is a skills training and Education Company focused on creating social impact
through its unique offerings. The company aims to promote skill development on
a large Scale with Speed and high Standards In order to address the challenges
of unemployment and ensuring gainful and sustainable employment to the youth.
This brings to the table- Vocational Training, Distance Learning &
Placements. The Prime Minister’s focus on skilled India.
PMKVY Training Center Registration
the registration of Pmkvy there are some easy procedures that one needs to
follow. The main Purpose of this scheme is to bring skill development and
employment opportunity among the common masses. After the choice of training
center, the candidate must input all the required information in the portal.
After the successful training in the PMKVY training Centre, Certification will
be done by the training partner.
Process of Affiliation PMKVY Training Centre Registration
Apply for PMKVY Training Centre in India
Training Centre affiliation is granted on the basic job roles.
Training Centre pay an Affiliation fee for each job role.
Training Centre who apply online affiliation request is forwarded to the SSC (
sector skill councils).
Every Scheme has been own target process and according this process training
centre allocate targets.
Training Centre has performance Standards Metrics.
PMKVY Training Center
Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY) is the scheme has been launched in India.
Aim of pmkvy is skill Development of Indian people and makes them capable of
learning and working for the various job roles. This is one of the scheme has
been launched with the vision to provide skill training to the Indian Youths at
same time provide them proper placement as well. The target taken for this
project is to teach 1crore youths and prepare them for working in the various
job roles till the financial year 2022. PMKVY scheme offers 419 job courses
fields which have been discovered in this area with the ambition to prepare the
youths for the job roles. For this biggest project government need training
centers to provide the teaching facility and implement the project.
Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana(PMKVY) is the scheme has been launched under skill
India Mission on 15. July 2015 by our honorable Prime Minister Mr. Narendra
Modi with the vision to trained the Indian Youth and make them skilled for the
various fields of Jobs. The main benefit of this course is first for without
fee course and secondly, anyone who is citizen of India and having the age
group between 14-35 can be the part of these courses. There are 219 courses
which have been divided into 34 sectors.
main thing about 219 courses under 34 sectors are belongs from various
industries and verticals. Before that there are 577 course were there in
PMKVY(Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana) scheme but now in PMKVY(Pradhan
Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana)2.0 the quantity of these courses has been reduced
and instead of 31 sector these courses has been divided into 32 sector but now
there are only 219 job roles but these job roles are exactly equal to the 577
job roles since now in these 219 job roles all the quality syllabus included.